Sunday, May 17, 2009

Say Cheese

 Since the day Cameron arrived in this world it seems that every person he comes in contact with says the same thing. "He looks like such a little man", or "he is the perfect mix of you and Israel, half and half" I used to agree with the little man thing, he never really looked like a baby, and if you heard the way he talks he is very mature for his age. We never talked baby talk in fact I talked and talked and talked to him. Yes, I was that crazy lady in the grocery aisle asking her three month old if I had cheese at home and what kind of ice cream should we get. I find myself today still asking Cam things while shopping but now he answers back. So the other night, yet again thyroid acting up I couldn't sleep so I started going through some old photos and found a few of me when I was about or a little older than Cameron. And sure enough not only does he have my smart mouth but he has my smile. I see him all in me. Especially when the other night after watching a movie with him in his room I got up to go to bed and he said,  "mama, no no you forgot to put up the sleeping bag. Put it where it belongs mama." I smiled such a proud mama smile and rolled up the bag putting it back where I got it. Ahhhhhh he will make someone a good husband one day. Now I need to get his dada on board. Just don't think that will be happening any time soon.

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