Thursday, April 16, 2009

on another note

ok I just realized we were talking about my husband, a man. Men don't notice anything unless its right in front of their face waving a huge flag saying" here I am here I am" and still if its not dressed in a beer label it will get over looked. . So I bought the right ice cream sat it in the freezer right along with the full only one scoop eaten out of it, Blue Bell and I had a huge bowl of Dryers Rocky Road. He will never notice. Or God will again make a note to point out how almighty he is and his sense of humor by calling me a lier and the Hub will ask why I bought more ice cream when there's a perfectly full tub in there an I will be forced to tell him ho I hate Blue Bell and he will get that look. Ya know the I feel like shit and Im never going to do you a favor again look. And I will forced to eat more Rocky Road. Ya Me!!!!!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I ran out of ice cream, not just any ice cream but Rocky Road. I have been begging hubby to pick some up on the way home and so today he walks in with a giant tub of Blue Bell Rocky Road. Now me being the greatful wife that I am, smiled and thanked him and made me a small cup of the iced cow. BUT I must say.... theres is a big difference between Blue Bell and Dryers Slow Churn oh you make my mouth melt Rocky Road. So now theres a huge tub of ice cream taking way too much room in my freezer. What to do What to do. I could wait for a few days and toss it. But see theres where the problem lies. I feel terribly guilty. Any other suggestions on what to do with the half gallon gloop?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Meet George Jetson......Jane his wife

ok Im still waiting for the instant push the button while you move along a moving walkway, that dresses you and puts on your make up. Whats even more important is I'm waiting for the instant meal thingy. I am here debating what if to make for dinner. Everyone wants something different. If I had that magic microwave I could simply push the button and wala. Seriously, Mr President I think we can safely assume that we should be pouring billions of dollars into this futurific invention that would make everyones life a whole lot easier and not to mention I would never have to worry about someone sticking my fast food up there nose while they prepare it. 


Hi and welcome to my life. I have alot to say and sometimes nothing to say but I still ramble. Since my husband is advancing in his career and is surrounded by bitching women all day, he no longer has the time to devote to my inquiries. I am a talker by heart so I must get it out. So hold on and get ready and remember, take it all with a grain of salt. Life's too short.