Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Que the music

"schoooolllls out for......." Oh wait, cut music. Schools out for now. I've got summer school starting June 1st.
Finally I'm done with what seemed like the longest semester ever. I don't think I've ever had more work even in my core classes. And it just seemed to drag on and on and I came down with every illness imaginable. How many times can I e person have strep? And the only way I knew it was strep was the awful everlasting headache which I seem to get everyday now that Cameron has learned to sing and relized that the microphone on his keyboard does in fact really work. Thanks Santa.
Butim glad it's over only to start summer school which is quick and painful. In the fall I will be field basing which signals that I will soon be tossed out into the real world to fight off raging parents and administrators all on my own. "giggles" I'm so excited but for now mamas on vacation !!!!
Which in reality just means mama has time to cook instead of ordering out and mama has time to wash dishes by hand instead of loading up the dishwasher. "cheers!"
Sent from my iPhone

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