Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mothers Day 2009

Some how my husband who seems to be louder than a raging Mac truck every morning sneaked out of bed and off to the store with my little man and surprised me with breakfast and presents in bed. I think thats what happened, I was half asleep and no contacts in eyes when Cam came running and leaping into bed with a bag and started ripping things out of it and left in a huff. So then after breakfast we headed out on the boat for a relaxing day of fishing. It was nice and only a little windy not like the days in the past where hurricane force winds made for a cold cloudy fishing day. My first catch was quickly answered by a hard tug. I thought this was such a prequel for how the day was going to be. Until that is when I reeled in a huge black hard head. I don't think I had ever seen such an ugly fish. And yes that was how the day was. Israel had on his fishing game face and well Cam and I knew better to stay out of the way. Cameron spent the day asking for every ounce of food we had on the boat and anything else he could do to get my attention.   We did however towards the end of the day spot several schools of black drum and we chased them down and was able to reel in three. All in all it was a nice day, but next year mama wants a gift certificate to the spa and scheduled after a long sleep in. 

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