Thursday, April 16, 2009

on another note

ok I just realized we were talking about my husband, a man. Men don't notice anything unless its right in front of their face waving a huge flag saying" here I am here I am" and still if its not dressed in a beer label it will get over looked. . So I bought the right ice cream sat it in the freezer right along with the full only one scoop eaten out of it, Blue Bell and I had a huge bowl of Dryers Rocky Road. He will never notice. Or God will again make a note to point out how almighty he is and his sense of humor by calling me a lier and the Hub will ask why I bought more ice cream when there's a perfectly full tub in there an I will be forced to tell him ho I hate Blue Bell and he will get that look. Ya know the I feel like shit and Im never going to do you a favor again look. And I will forced to eat more Rocky Road. Ya Me!!!!!



Juan Rodriquez said...

You know, as a Man, I would like to comment on this... I think we do make a very good effort into reading the minds of women. It's just hard to master. I mean we have our moments, when we do "just the right thing", and that's how women end up with us. I, and maybe your husband may like this as well, just tell us what exactly it is that you want. I need to cut and paste this to my girlfriend.

Mrs. C said...

In a way you're quite right. We want men to know us and do things we would like or give us things they think we like because to us that shows us that they really care enough to KNOW us and pay attention to the little details. For us its a huge sign of "they care." But knowing that all men really are not created equal, Men are designed very differently than women, we forget that they don't posses the interpersonal skills that we do. At least I am lucky enough to not have a man who buys me tires or tools so he can enjoy the gifts.
I must admit thought on Valentines day I thought long and hard, and my man seems to have everything he is very spoiled, and I knew he was out of Polo cologne so I went to the store and noticed they had a new one out. He always had every Polo variety so I thought hey he might like this one. As soon as he opened it he got the ugliest look on his face and said in a very whinny pouty way, "this isn't what I use, I want my old stuff."
I a least keep my disappointments to myself because to me its really the thought that counts. Even if its the morning of my birthday he is caught sneaking to the mall.